Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

Hello Everyone!

I am very thankful to Zsuzsanna Wrywood for nominating me for this award! I am very flattered, so thank you so much girl for thinking of me when you were writing up your post! xx I am always amazed how much the internet connects people throughout the world, and even though we have never met and you live across an ocean, I am so grateful that you enjoy my blog enough to feel inspired by it! :) xx

Rules for this award:

  • Thank and link the person who nominated you!
  • Add the very inspiring blogger award to your post
  • Include this set of rules
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Nominate a list of bloggers that inspire you
  • Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs

7 Facts about me:

  • First off I have 2 dogs, an English mastiff named Xena and an Italian mastiff named Athena, they are my absolute loves. "A dog is a part of your world, but to a dog, you are their world."
  • I am in school majoring in telecommunications and I like it a lot, but if I had to change my major it would defiantly without a doubt be psychology.
  • I drink literally about 8 water bottles a day, and when I clean my room I find so many empty water bottles all around and underneath my bed.
  • I have been a vegetarian for over a year now and I never see myself eating meat ever again. Even now the smell of meat will sometimes make me feel sick!
  • I love love LOVE reading, and I always wish I had more time to read books (and I also wish books weren't so expensive!)
  • My hair has been ever color imaginable. I've had blonde, brunette, black, pink, purple, blue, green and red hair! Currently I'm giving my hair a break from dying, but once I feel like dying it again I am thinking about doing blue all over! 
  • My boyfriend is a huge record collector and recently within the past few months has really got me into buying records and finding new music that I enjoy! One of my favorite things to do when I am relaxing and blogging is to put a record on the player and let it spin!
The 7 blogs that I nominate for this award are:
Thank you so much again, Zsuzsanna for nominating me! xx
And thank you for reading! xx


  1. Thank you so much for nominating me :) your 7 facts where really good! Id love to get a record player, that must be awesome! :)
    Great post! Congrats on being nominated!

  2. Thank you for nominating me, it means a lot; and well done yourself for being nominated! I do psychology and it is awesome! :) x
